St Thomas à Becket C of E Primary School

EQUA Trust

Chough Class

We have our fantastic Year 3 and 4 children in Chough Class, with our teacher Mrs Farey.

Choughs are proud to represent the black bird with the orange beak in our school emblem and enjoy a lovely bright, spacious classroom which over looks our village Church.  As the children journey through Lower KS2, they develop their independence; are supported with lessons and develop their essential learning powers to take pride in their work and achieve the best they can. We encourage all children to make the most of every opportunity in and out of the classroom; but most all to keep reading…!


Chough Class will have PE on Wednesdays with PH Sports.  Please make sure your child has their kit available in school.

They will also have PE on Thursday morning with Dauntsey’s School. Please send your child in wearing their PE kit and bring in school uniform to change into at lunchtime.


Forest School

Chough Class will have Forest School every term for two afternoons on a Thursday. Dates will be published in our termly newsletter. Please provide your child with suitable clothing for the weather and a drinks bottle.



Please encourage your child to read regularly for pleasure and record this in their Reading Records. These will be checked every Friday and children will earn a raffle ticket if they have read on 4 or more days that week.

Every Friday, children will bring home their maths and Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation (SPAG) books. The task will be dated on the contents page and recorded in Reading Records. Children will earn two raffle tickets if they complete their homework and return the books by Thursday!

Times tables is really important in Chough Class and by the end of Year 4 the children should know their tables up to 12. See the maths resources below to help.

Chough Class