St Thomas à Becket C of E Primary School

EQUA Trust

Kestrel Class

We have the year 5 and 6 children in our lovely spacious classroom.  Our teachers are Mrs Erscott and Ms Boast and our teaching assistant's are Mrs Blake.

Our children are inspired in Y5/6 to confidently take more responsibility for themselves and for helping younger children. Our oldest children are the role models for the rest of the school through the way they work and play and care for each other demonstrating our core values of friendship and respect.


Homework is given out on Tuesdays and due in on Mondays. Two raffle tickets will be given for completed homework that is handed in on time, one raffle ticket will be given for completed homework.

Every child has been given a reading record and will be expected to log each time they read, whether at home or in school.  Children who read four or more times a week will receive a house point.  We will check reading records every Friday and will pick a ‘Reader of the Week’.

Forest School:

Kestrels will have Forest School this term on twice,Thursday afternoons.  Please ensure that your child brings appropriate clothing to change into for the session.  They will need old clothes, trainers or wellies and waterproofs, as they will go outside whatever the weather.   If it is hot, they will also need a hat,  sun screen (which they will need to apply independently) and a water bottle.


Kestrel class will have PE on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  Please make sure that your child wears their PE kit to school on these days.